Policy Committee Action Items
April 15-16, 2010
Arlington, Virginia
Carried Over Action Items and Resolutions from the Fall 2009 meeting:
- Linda Miller will invite UNAVCO staff member Shelly Olds to present a seminar on ground-based GPS. Status: Done.
- An NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) staff member should be contacted and asked to speak at a future meeting. Linda Miller has the contact, but the item must be deferred for one year until the meeting is in Boulder. Status: Done.
- The UPC should explore setting future meeting sites at federal labs, both in Boulder and off-site. Status: it seems likely that part of the committee's fall meeting will take place at NOAA's ESRL in Boulder.
- The UPC should consider collaborations with any of the following UCAR's Visiting Scientists Program (VSP), the Advanced Studies Program (ASP), Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Science and Research (SOARS), and the University of Colorado to optimize its resources while increasing its outreach. Status: The UPC will continue to pursue these connections.
Action Items from Spring 2010 meeting:
1. In addition to an NREL representative to speak to the committee about renewable energy, the UPC should invite a representative from the private sector. Greg Poulos (V-bar) was mentioned as a possible candidate.
2. For the fall meeting the UPC should hold a portion of the meeting at NOAA/ESRL.
3. An AWIPS II demo will be presented at the fall meeting. Michelle Mainelli NWS will Michael James will provide the joint presentation.
4. Policy Committee members are urged to submit candidates with Climate expertise for the new governing committee members when the UPC makes the call for nominations.
5. Explore the possibility of Unidata's branding: products to raise its visibility. Report back to committee.