Action Items and Resolutions
Resolution: Consistent with Unidata's strategic plans and with efforts to facilitate climate data services development, the Policy Committee endorses an emphasis on both the CF Conventions layer in Unidata software and on helping to advance the development of the CF Conventions, for the benefits to the current Unidata community and for interoperability of tools and data in other communities. The Policy Committee also encourages efforts from the CF Conventions Committee to establish a position, hosted at the Unidata Program Center, that combines CF Coordinator and Data Scientist, if funding resources can be obtained among the many stakeholder organizations that benefit from sustained support for the CF Conventions.
1. Further investigation into EPA data should be conducted prior to the fall meeting. This should take place in the context of the Users Committee's action item 2 from its spring meeting which states: Consider EPA datastreams for LDM, possible visualization: Gauge interest and needs of AQ community a.) See Rudy's link describing some of the available datastreams b.) Set up conference call including Rudy Husar, EPA folks, and AQ faculty at some of our institutions
2. The committee should schedule a presentation on the WRF/Chem for the fall meeting.
3. The committee needs a new NASA representative. Steps to appoint one should be taken prior to the fall meeting.
4. A draft of the letter to be sent to the GEMPAK community will be circulated for committee comment and suggestions.
5. A future meeting should include a presentation by John Orcutt on the Ocean Observing Initiative cyberinfrastructure.
6. Staff member Russ Rew will draft a resolution on advancing CF convention development for the committee's consideration.
7. Assessment of the virtual meeting is a possible agenda topic for the fall meeting.