Policy Committee Meeting Summary:
12 May 2008
Virtual Meeting
Steven Businger—Chair
Rich Clark
Ben Domenico
Vanda Grubisic
Jo Hansen
Rudy Husar
Linda Miller
Russ Rew
Agency Representatives
Bernard Grant, (NSF/ATM)
and UOP Representatives
Clifford Jacobs (NSF/ATM)
Roger Wakimoto, Director NCAR/EOL
Leroy Spayd
Steve Worley,
Tim Spangler,
in Attendance
Gary Lackmann (Users Committee Chair)
Mike Bevis
Gene Takle
Paul Ruscher
12 May 2008
Administrative Matters (Businger)
- The Draft Agenda was approved
- The October 2007 meeting notes were approved.
- Next Meeting
Dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, 21-22 October 2008 in Boulder.
- Review of
Action Items and Resolutions from the Fall 2007 meeting:
- Discussion
of Resolution 2 and Action Item 5 generated considerable discussion:
- Resolution
2 states that: The Policy Committee encourages the Program to explore the
feasibility of delivering real-time air quality data to the community.
Action Item 5 states: The
Policy Committee requests that the Users Committee determine which of the
available EPA data should be distributed using Unidata technology. (Users
committee has initiated steps to identify the data.) Noting that the EPA
is currently sorting out the internal issues of their data systems, Rudy
Husar observed that attempts to acquire access to the data for
distribution are not dead, and suggested that by the fall meeting there may
be more to talk about. He further encouraged Unidata to pursue the access
and distribution of the publicly available WRF/Chem air quality forecast
model data.
- The action Item 3 from the fall
meeting wrt COSMIC data, yielded the comment that nine or 10 sites are now
receiving COSMIC data.
Action Items
resulting from these discussions:
- Further investigation into EPA
data should be conducted prior to the fall meeting. This should take place
in the context of an action item from the spring Users Committee's meeting
which states: Consider EPA datastreams for LDM, possible visualization:
Gauge interest and needs of AQ community a.) See Rudy's link describing
some of the available datastreams b.) Set up conference call including Rudy
Husar, EPA folks, and AQ faculty at some of our institutions
- The committee requests that
Unidata schedule a presentation on WRF/Chem for the fall meeting.
- The committee needs a new NASA
representative. Steps to appoint one should be taken prior to the fall
Mohan's report
opened with the statement that the 2013 Unidata funding proposal was submitted
in early April. He acknowledged the committee's input to the final product in
the form of edits, rewrites, and the considerable contributions through
participation in the summer and fall meeting discussions. In a related item,
Mohan noted that one noteworthy metric gleaned during the proposal's
development was use of Unidata in graduate research. For obvious reasons these
numbers are important since it's an indication of contributions to research and
education as well as a future generation of users (slide 3).
Other points:
- The 2008 DeSouza Award went to Oklahoma's Mark Laufersweiler who made
a presentation on his use of Unidata tools and data in his teaching and
- Two AMS awards of particular
interest for Unidata were PolCom member Rich Clark's receipt of the
Teaching Excellence Award and former Unidata Director, Dave Fulker's
receipt of the Cleveland Abbe Award. Further, the UCAR BOT appointed Dave
"Director Emeritus," a first for UOP.
- UPC staffing changes include
the addition of Dennis Heimbigner as a netCDF developer, the departure of
GEMPAK developer Steve Chiswell, and the departure of Anne Wilson to the University of Colorado.
- IDD continues steady growth
that includes, now, COSMIC data flowing to the universities. IDD hosts
number about 500 in 240 unique network domains but many more are behind
fire walls, so to some extent the numbers are a minimum estimate.
- New data stream news includes
access to USPLN data (soon), and possible inclusion of USGS stream gauge
data through CUAHSI, and EPA data (noted above).
- GOES-R Level 2 and Level 2+
data will be available in netCDF-4 format.
- IDV use grows. Release 2.5 was
announced May 8 2008, and collaborations with the Shanghai
Typhoon Institute (STI) are proving to be fruitful. The IDV is now used in
over 200 institutions worldwide.
- IDV will be the focus of a
Regional Workshop at Plymouth State University May 18-20.
- AWIPS II and N-AWIPS are hot
topics for the UPC and the community.
- Attendance by the University
community at the CONDUIT meeting in New Orleans was disappointing. The Users
Committee has been asked to poll the community for CONDUIT data set input.
- Unidata successfully
coordinated a data access workshop held in Portland, Oregon April 30 to May 3.
- Announcement of Equipment Award
recipients from the 2008 solicitation were made. There were three of them.
- Unidata 2013 review discussion:
NSF will likely be proposing a reverse site visit to take place 25-26 June
at NSF.
- The UPC can consider extending
and possibly solidifying collaborations with the Oceans community by
taking steps to develop a virtual community with OCI.
- Collaborations with Shanghai
Typhoon Institute are positive. There was a suggestion that collaborations
with groups in China and India could possibly be developed in
a similar manner, tapping into human capital in those countries.
- CONDUIT is helping TIGGE to
populate NCEP data in the three TIGGE archives.
- Unidata should track
developments in NSF’s virtual organization initiative. Unidata is a form
of virtual organization.
Action Item :
4. A future meeting should include a presentation by John Orcutt, UCSD, on the
Ocean Observing Initiative cyberinfrastructure.
Report (Mitchell)
We're ending
the award period facing a tighter budget future than we've seen in a few years.
But the recent decision by the President's Council to delay merit increases to
coincide with the new fiscal year has been favorable to our budget. That, along
with attrition, a vacancy in GEMPAK and LEAD positions and carryover for both
FY08 and (projected for) FY09 have helped us leverage our resources as we
transition to the new five-year proposal. We project to end FY08 with $4.48
million in total expenditures with a total budget of $5.59 million.
Our core
funding has increased slightly over the last two years after modest increases
early on in the award period. Despite recent funding on the two newest non-core
projects, SDCI and TC-IDV, we're facing the lowest level of non-core funding in
six years for FY09. We have been aggressively pursuing various funding
opportunities to offset that, however, and hopefully our efforts will pay off
in the next fiscal year.
The key issues
that we'll monitor closely for the next few months are spending, the vacancies
in the LEAD and GEMPAK positions, and NSF's response to the Unidata 2013
proposal, which includes funds for two new engineers, two part-time students,
and one part-time visitor. We're optimistic that the budget picture will
improve in the next award.
- The cost of doing business in
Unidata is increasing by about 4% (~$180K?), with most of the change
resulting from salary increases.
- With funds remaining from the
LEAD project, LEAD will seek a no-cost extension to the award.
- There is increased pressure on
Unidata core funds based on (among other things) the conclusion of some
key projects (NASA, THREDDS for example) which has increased the pressure
on core funds. Thus, it seems appropriate that Unidata seek increased
funding outside of its core funds.
Users Committee Report
During the meeting, Leigh Orf, Users Committee
member, made a presentation on creating a case study archive using THREDDS. The
presentation described the process used, some of the problems encountered, and
the benefits from having gone through the process.
noteworthy events during the meeting include:
- Presentation of the DeSouza
Award to Mark Laufersweiler.
- 2009 Users Workshop Discussion
- The theme for this workshop
has been tentatively identified as "Observations: how these data can
be used in teaching and research."
- Student Sean Arms made
presentations on Datapedia and THREDDS server using free BSD.
- USPLN data will soon be
available, thanks in large measure to the efforts of Chris Herbster.
- Member Eugene Cordero suggested
conducting a virtual meeting each year to lower the committee's carbon
footprint. The suggestion generated considerable discussion, and there was
agreement that the 2009 Workshop Planning sub-committee would implement
the suggestion and evaluate the results. Committee members thought that
using social networking systems would facilitate a virtual meeting
Agency Report
opened his presentation by mentioning the disparity between the optimistic
budget picture painted during the fall meeting's NSF report, and the subsequent
reality of much lower funding for NSF in FY 2008.
this point, NSF anticipates a 7% projected annual growth through 2014.
FY09 budget request for NSF is $6.85 billion which is a 13% increase from
FY08's request. Here are some of the significant changes:
- Water processes: $10M
- CDI: (Cyberenabled Discovery
and Innovation)
- Data to knowledge: $100M
- Complexity in Natural, Built,
and Social Systems:
- Virtual Organizations
- Interdisciplinary Research:
- Climate Change: $221M
budget requests:
- 13.8% increase for Atmospheric
- 13.9% increase for Earth
- 13.9% increase for Ocean
There is strong
support for climate change research activities, for research on the dynamics of
water processes in the environment, for near-term priorities of ocean research,
and for cyber-enabled research and discovery.
(Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction), Ocean observatories and
the Alaska Region Research Vessel are undergoing design and cost reviews prior
to the start of construction. A recently completed new South Pole Station was
dedicated in January. This represents a major achievement for the foundation.
The request for MRI or major Research Instrumentation for FY09 is $115M.
To set the
stage for the discussion, Mohan made a brief presentation summarizing the
status of the GEMPAK/AWIPS-II that included the following highlights:
- N-AWIPS/GEMPAK, used within the
National Centers, will be migrated to AWIPS II in 2011.
- N-AWIPS will be “frozen” in
summer 2008 except for bug fixes and emergency updates.
- The GEMPAK software is
Unidata's most widely-used analysis and display software.
- Its strengths include, among
- Publication quality output
- Comprehensive and robust model
output diagnostics, including support for ensemble model output
- On the negative side, GEMPAK
does not run on Windows and is unable to directly access data from remote
servers [Mention Gary’s summary of strengths and weaknesses of the three
- As IDV continues to evolve,
developers will be adding more GEMPAK-like capabilities to the software.
- UPC staff are working closely
with the NWS on AWIPS-II development. Two UPC staff attended a training
session on the software during the week of the 12th of May.
- The NWS moratorium on N-AWIPS
development is expected to impact the Unidata community.
- GEMPAK users have expressed
their concerns mainly through exchanges in the GEMPAK e-mail list,
GEMBUD. Everyone agrees that the transition will be significant in the
GEMPAK community.
- The decision to transition was
not Unidata's, but Unidata is determined to facilitate by the means
available to it.
- The committee agreed with the
idea that this is a strategically significant event for Unidata.
- The transition is consistent
with the goals in the Tools section of Unidata's Strategic Plan.
- GEMPAK developer Steve
Chiswell's departure from the UPC further complicates the situation.
Unidata is moving deliberately to fill the vacancy, to facilitate the
- Unidata needs to allay user
concerns and provide reassuring words that the UPC stands behind the final
version of GEMPAK from NCEP [this is especially urgent as the 5-year
proposal is currently under review].
- A letter signed by Mohan,
Policy Committee Chair, Businger, and Users Committee Chair Lackmann will
be sent to the GEMPAK community
- It is too early for Unidata to
make a definitive commitment to support AWIPS II due to the many
unresolved issues and resource considerations chief among these is
resolution of the licensing question.
- For Unidata to fully support
the transition, it must have assurance that AWIPS II will be totally open
- It was pointed out that terms
of the contract with Raytheon specify open source status for the
- Unidata has to remain
fully-informed about the transition and a part of that is enhanced working
relationships with the NWS which have always been strong, but they are
being refined still further.
A draft of the letter to be sent to the GEMPAK community will be circulated for
committee comment and suggestions.
NOTE: It should
be noted that in the week following the Virtual Meeting the above-referenced
letter has been commented on and revised by suggestions from committee
members. The message was sent to GEMPAK
users on 19 May.
Here is a link to a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 visualization/analysis packages in question.
development of the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions
(cfconventions.org) is a critical step in supporting interoperability for Earth
science data from different sources. They are intended for use for both model
output and observational datasets. Russ noted that there is growing use,
acceptance, and dependence on CF.
The CF Standard
Names transition, with 0.5 FTE dedicated at BADC, has been very successful. The
CF Conventions transition has been moderately successful, but needs more
resources. There's a suggestion that a jointly-funded position at Unidata could
support the development.
The first
reaction questioned why this was a policy issue, because it was clearly
something Unidata should be doing. Russ answered that two characteristics of
this proposal distinguished it from a management decision about how to allocate
Unidata's resources:
- The request came from an
international group for a long-term institutional commitment of resources
to support infrastructure for climate research and interoperability.
- The proposed position would
not be a developer, but a domain specialist who would help coordinate CF
conventions discussions and advancement.
Mohan stated
that providing more support for CF was consistent with Unidata’s strategic plan
and our desire to provide cyberinfrastructure leadership and stewardship. There
was a request for a draft resolution providing direction to the Unidata Program Center.
The current
draft resolution is still being discussed via email, and no motion for its
adoption has been made:
Consistent with Unidata's strategic plans and with efforts to
facilitate climate data services development, the Policy Committee endorses an
emphasis on both the CF Conventions layer in Unidata software and on helping to
advance the development of the CF Conventions for the benefits to the current
Unidata community and for interoperability of tools and data in other
communities. The Policy Committee encourages the UPC to find the most effective
and efficient means to implement a CF Conventions layer in Unidata software.
Direct comments
and questions to jhansen@unidata.ucar.edu