Maps and Directions

UCAR/NCAR has several buildings in Boulder, Colorado. This map shows our locations.

Unidata's offices are located in building FL4 on the East wing of the first floor. The entrance to FL4 is on the South side of the building. The Unidata receptionist, room 1402, can direct you to our staff and conference room. Unidata's main line in is 303-497-8643 if you need assistance.

Policy and Users Committee guests: The committee meetings will be held in Foothills Lab 4, room 1318 (the Unidata Coonference Room) with the exception of the joint polcom/usercom session on the morning of May 17th. The joint session will be held in Foothills Lab 1, in the EOL Atrium. Enter through FL2, go up to the second floor, take the catwalk to FL1, and follow the signs to the EOL Atrium. Our working dinner on May 16th will be held at the Mesa Lab in the Damon Room.