RAMADDA Status Report
Fall 2008
Jeff McWhirter
RAMADDA development continued (albeit at a slower pace) into the summer and Fall.
Some of the highlights include:
- RAMADDA has been installed on the Unidata web site:
- We (Jeff McWhirter and Jeff Weber)
have been adding some hurricane data sets (Ike and Gustav) and products to explore and iteratively develop new features.
- RAMADDA is installed on the new motherlode server.
- The full COMET Case Study suite of data is loaded on new motherlode and RAMADDA
is serving up the data.
- We plan by the end of September to have the full IDD feed harvested and available.
- A new publishing facility has been added to the IDV to enable the publishing of bundles, data and products
to a RAMADDA server.
- An OpenDAP service has been integrated as well as a number of other data services.
Here are some examples of the of the end-user features provided by RAMADDA.
Jeff McWhirter.