Case Studies
October 2008 -> April 2009
Jeff Weber, Jeff McWhirter, Mohan Ramamurthy
The Case Study effort is now fully contained within the Repository for
Archiving, Managing and Accessing Diverse DAta (RAMADDA).
RAMADDA has its own status report located
Progress has been made incorporating the existing
into RAMADDA making available the bulk of the THREDDS suite of
services (OPeNDAP, catalog generation, CDL
generation) and the full suite of IDV functionality for viewing, printing,
and publishing back to the RAMADDA. This should breathe new life into
these formerly GEMPAK-centric case studies.
The Unidata Program Center is now moving forward, within the RAMADDA
framework, developing and sharing case studies and case study content. The IDV is not the only client that can access the
data, any client can access the data and services. By using the IDV as the "client of choice", many of the utilities (search,
visualition, product creation, publication) can be realized completely within the IDV allowing for ease of use for the end
user. This process will allow for the case studies to grow and expand in
depth and breadth as the
community members offer
and publish their views, perspectives, data sets, and products to RAMADDA for others to make use of. The content of the
case studies is unlimited, it can hold raw data, data products (and show where the data is located that made the product)
presentations, web sites, blogs, curriculum, lab exercises, photos, etc. This allows for rich, multi-disciplined case
studies to exist, persist and grow over time.
The direct URL for the RAMADDA Case Study page is:
RAMADDA Case Studies
Please consider getting an account by contacting Jeff W or Jeff M so you can add content of your own and enjoy the full