Status Report: April 2013 - September 2013
Steve Emmerson, Mike Schmidt, Tom Yoksas
Strategic Focus Areas
The LDM group's work supports the following Unidata funding proposal focus areas:
- Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
The LDM powers the Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system. - Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery,
access, and use
The LDM allows sites to move data in their own environments. - Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience
The LDM is used by US universities and by entities throughout the world.
Activities Since the Last Status Report
LDM 6.11.5 and 6.11.6 Released
- Eliminated the bundled PNG and XML2 libraries;
- Squashed bugs;
- Improved the portability, release-engineering, and installation process;
- Created a binary RPM for fc14.x86_64;
- Prevented a downstream site from wasting bandwidth by accidentally making redundant or overlapping requests for data to an upstream site;
- Prevented an upstream LDM from wasting bandwidth by redundantly feeding a downsteam site; and
- Mitigated a denial-of-service attack on an upstream site.
Proposal for LDM-7 Approved by NSF
As a result of the success of the previous EAGER grant and an NSF solicitation, Professor Veeraraghavan (PI) and Steve Emmerson (co-PI) proposal 1340910, "Leveraging DYNES for Weather Data Distribution on Multicast Virtual Circuits", to the Campus CI Networking (CC-NIE) group of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) of NSF has been approved by the NSF. They propose to do the following over 2 years:
- "Harden" VCMTP;
- Develop a module for the automatic management of multicast virtual circuits;
- Develop a multicast version of the LDM (mLDM);
- Integrate mLDM into the existing LDM-6 -- creating LDM-7; and
- Deploy LDM-7 to co-operating sites and evaluate it. The sites are: U of Virginia, UCAR, U of Wisconsin, Rutgers U, Boston U, U of New Hampshire, Colorado State U, MAX, RENCI, and Texas Tech U.
Planned Activities
Ongoing Activities
We plan to continue the following activies:
- Support LDM users
- Email, phone, etc.
- Training workshops
- Incrementally improve the LDM as necessary
- Incorporate additional AWIPS-II-related changes into the LDM
- Update table-driven decoding of GRIB products as necessary
New Activities
We plan to take part in the following:
- Development of LDM-7