Re: [awips2-users] WFO localization

The scalesInfo.xml file refers to other XML files such as Regional.xml, which 
have a bundle element as the root.

If you want to create different maps than the default, in general, follow the 
same format as the existing XML files (scalesInfo.xml, Regional.xml, etc.). You 
can use the “Map Projection” tool in CAVE to create new map bundles. Save the 
new map bundles as XML files. Save the new map bundles to the same location as 
Regional.xml (and the other XML files). Modify scalesInfo.xml to refer to your 
new map bundle XML files.

Joe Barrett
Weather Decision Technologies
Norman, OK

From: Brian Bernard [mailto:brian.brianbernard@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 5:59 PM
To: Joe H. Barrett
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] WFO localization

Hi Joe,

I hope you don't mind me asking a question within this thread you and Hunter 
are having.

Joe, I've followed the instructions you provided to Hunter, though in my case 
I'm using BUF, instead. I live near Toronto, Ontario and that's why I'm using 
Buffalo. The question I have is this, do the maps have to be saved as a Bundle? 
After following your instructions I keep getting the same OAX maps in D2D 
instead of the maps I created. I modified the scalesInfo.xml file and copied it 
to the proper location.
Brian Bernard<>

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Joe H. Barrett 
<jbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
You basically want to “clone” the OAX localization to PHI, by copying all of 
the …site/OAX directories to …site/PHI. Then, start modifying the files in the 
…/PHI directories. For example, you can modify the scalesInfo.xml file to point 
to locally-defined maps. After cloning OAX, restart CAVE, and you should see 
all of the localizations in the preference settings, including OAX and PHI. 
Select PHI, and restart CAVE.

Joe Barrett
Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
Norman, OK

 On Behalf Of Hunter Outten
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 3:56 PM
To: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] WFO localization

you can see that the cave is set to PHI but still has OAX 

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Hunter Outten 
<delmarvawx@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:delmarvawx@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On original setup i used the OAX office. i am trying to switch to another 
office. i went through the preferences to place as PHI but i still am stuck on 
cave seeing the OAX office regions and localization. It will not force its way 
over to the other office through CAVE. Do i have to reinstall CAVE?

~Hunter Clifton Outten~
Pattern Cycle Theory Creator Astronomy

~Hunter Clifton Outten~
Pattern Cycle Theory Creator Astronomy

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