Re: [awips2-users] AWIPS2 CAVE in VirtualBox


I’ve successfully installed AWIPS II CAVE on a Virtualbox VM running CentOS 6.5 
on a Windows 8.1 laptop (Lenovo Core i5, 4 GB RAM, basic integrated intel 
video), Windows 8.1 desktop (ASUS Core i7, 8GB RAM, basic integrated intel 
video), and a Macbook Pro (Core i7 2.2 Ghz, 16GB RAM, Intel Iris Video w/1.5gb 
dedicated VRAM).  Although CAVE will start up, it almost always crashes as soon 
as any actions (i.e. clicking on menus or buttons) are attempted.  I obtained 
better results on the MacBook Pro, however, I still encountered a variety of 
memory related problems.  When running CentOS 6.5 as the dedicated OS (i.e. 
dual booting) on both the Lenovo Laptop and ASUS Desktop, however, these 
problems disappeared.  

The memory issues encountered when running AWIPS II CAVE on virtual machines is 
most likely related to video, i.e. the amount of memory dedicated to the video 
card and how it’s allocated. There are many benefits to using a virtual machine 
platform, but they appear ill-suited for running graphics-intensive software on 
typical consumer PC hardware as a result of sharing video memory with the host 
OS and, perhaps, an inability to access video hardware acceleration.

After many hours attempting to get AWIPS II to run smoothly on a VM (and a fair 
amount of frustration), using a dedicated CentOS install (i.e. dual booting) 
may be your best option for a practical/stable installation.  Maybe others have 
had a different experience, though?

-Brandon Vincent

> On Dec 26, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Brian Bernard <brian.brianbernard@xxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:
> Has anyone had success running AWIPS II CAVE as a guest on VirtualBox? I keep 
> getting an error stating "Low Available memory for Application" and "0 Cave 
> applications running with a combined max memory of 0mb." I've allocated over 
> 11GB of memory for Virtual Box, so I don't understand why this error is 
> occurring.
> Any ideas? Anyone?
> Thanks,
> Brian Bernard 
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