[awips2-users] Most appropriate system test suite

Here’s one for the books:

We’ve all asked about the best hardware/config for a GEMPAK or AWIPS II 
environment, both client and server.

But as new hardware comes out each year, could there be a standard test suite 
one might apply to the next generation hardware, not to mention the next 
funding cycle,  that would actually get down to the nuts and bolts of the 
software demands (which should not change as fast as hardware)?  What elements 
of the suite test results would direct one to an optimized platform, whether 
customized or off the shelf?

Neil R. Smith,  neils@xxxxxxxx<mailto:neils@xxxxxxxx>
Senior (as in ‘old as dirt’) IT Professional II
Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272

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