
NOTE: The craft mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Dear CRAFT colleagues,

A quick update on CRAFT.

1.  You'll recall from the Norman meeting in December my mention of
concerns raised by NOAA, on behalf of certain private sector individuals,
regarding potential conflicts between CAPS' receipt of wide band data
and a new private company called WDT.  I'm happy to report that this
issue is well on its way to being resolved, and that I anticipate no problems
whatsoever in terms of accessing radar data.

2.  NOAA has funded the $540 proposal submitted by Kevin Kelleher,
myself, Steve DelGreco, Tim Crum, and Professor Varahan.  This funding
will allow us to take CRAFT to the next level, and in recent discussions,
we see the possibility of linking 30 to 40 radars to Abilene in fairly short
order, with most of the comm line charges paid by other groups!
Kevin, Tim and I are in the process of preparing a white paper/action plan
and will distribute it as soon as possible.

3.  Two days ago I gave a departmental seminar on CRAFT, and the
powerpoint slides are on the web at http://geowww.ou.edu/~kkd/POWERPOI.HTM.
(see the topmost link).
4.  I anticipate approval of my request for a 2-semester sabbatical to work
(the paperwork is making its way through the University, and funding is
It will start August 15 and run through May, 2001.  Of course, I'll
continue to
work on CRAFT until then, but at that time I'll be able to turn my full
to the effort.

Folks, we're now well on our way!  Again, I'll send the action plan to you as
soon as possible since it will serve as our guide for the foreseeable future.


Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier, Professor          E-mail: kkd@xxxxxx
School of Meteorology                               Phone:  405-325-0453
Director, Center for Analysis and                FAX:    405-325-7614
Prediction of Storms                                 CEL:   405-413-7847
University of Oklahoma WWW:
Sarkeys Energy Center, Rm 1110 100 East Boyd Street
Norman, OK  73019  USA

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