19990301: Grib and NetCDF

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>From: Greg Williams <g_williams@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: ?
>Keywords: 199902281445.HAA04462 gribtonc


>We routinely process a lot of model data in both GRIB and NetCDF formats,
>and have suites of tools that work on only one format or the other (but not
>both).  We are therefore on a quest for tools that will convert between
>GRIB and NetCDF. 
>Your web pages mention that you are working on a 'grib2nc' conversion tool.  
>Does this product exist now? (or what state is it in currently?)
>Can you recommend any similar conversion tools or packages that would be
>suitable for this task?

We have a GRIB to netCDF converter (gribtonc) that is freely available
in our decoders package.  You can access the distribution at:


I am curious which web page you saw that referenced grib2nc.  This decoder
has been available for several years now and if we have some out of
date pages, we would like to know.

Don Murray

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