20040910: LDM - LDM FSL5 data into Awips

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>From: "Jeremy Keen" <keen.jeremy@xxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: Ensco
>Keywords: 200409101652.i8AGq0Yh021147 netCDF ldm-mcidas decoders AWIPS


>Institution: Ensco Inc.
>Package Version: 6.1.0
>Operating System: RedHat8.0
>Hardware Information: IBM Intellistation Z Pro dual Zeon 1g ram 
>Inquiry: We are recieving FSL5 data from AWIS weather service in Auburn Al.
>We are having trouble figuring out how the decoders work I downloaded the
>decoders.tar.z file and the Mcidas decoders and have tried them in my

I assume you mean the ldm-mcidas decoders (e.g., pnga2area, pngg2gini,

>We see the files going into there correct directories for AWIPS to use them.
>When I check the AWIPS logs, to find out why we can not see the data in
>AWIPS, it says "No mapping for 7960 in the product id dictionary
>Unable to get the corresponding NEXRAD product ID given the UNISYS product
>ID 7960"  

You are using a product (AWIPS) which we don't support nor do we have
expertise in, so we can not provide much assistance.  The only comment
I can offer is that the NEXRAD Level III products may (guess) be usable
by AWIPS without any decoding.  Are you using a decoder to convert the
products?  I ask since the ldm-mcidas package contains an old, seldom
used routine that can convert an NEXRAD Level III radar image into a
McIDAS AREA file.  To my knowledge, the AREA file format is something
that is not used by AWIPS.

>Are we using the correct decoders with the right data types.  How can we tell 
>what data file goes with what decoder.  

I can also say that the netCDF format used by AWIPS is different from
the format created by our Perl netCDF decoders.  This may be another
problem you are running into.

>Thank you,

Sorry we can't be of more help, but AWIPS is not a system we support
here at the UPC.


Tom Yoksas
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