[Support #KTF-610156]: Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: grid relative winds]]

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i don't remember either, but i think the basic idea was to just pass 
the info back to the idv folks so they could correct the grids. i put 
a flag in the GDS part of the grib index file, it says either;

Winds = True


Winds = Relative

so it's already in the attributes but i have no idea of how to pass the info up 
to the
idv unless you have plans to make the data true when it's relative. 


GDSkey = 2453164079
grid_type = 3
grid_name = Lambert Conformal
grid_shape_code = 0
grid_shape = spherical
grid_radius_spherical_earth = 6367.47
Nx = 93
Ny = 65
La1 = 12.19
Lo1 = -133.459
ResCompFlag = 8

Winds = True

LoV = -95.0
Dx = 81271.0
Dy = 81271.0
ProjFlag = 0
ScanningMode = 64
Latin1 = 25.0
Latin2 = 25.0
SpLat = 0.0
SpLon = 0.0

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