Re: NMAP Loops (#1562)


Check your "GDINFO" listing of your decoded file. Your statement about
the "first" time period being missing may indicate that the source of
your grids changed from using the PDS identifier for F000 to an analysis
time . The Jan 22 time frame is coincident with changes in the mainframe
at NWS. If that is the case,
try upgrading to 5.9.4.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 10:29 -0800, Charley Knoderer wrote:
We are having a very strange problem with NMAP not reading the decoded
grib files correctly.  Gempak seems to be reading them for the maps I
create, with the exception of the first time period. However the loops
are not loading. This problem first appeared between 12 Z January 22 and 00 Z January
23.  We have not made any changes to the decoding process (we use
nagrib to decode the grib files) before or after this date.  This
problem is apparent on using NMAP 5.7.3 and 5.9.3.
Here's the script we are using: #!/bin/csh #
#  This is a simple script to write model GRIB data to a GEMPAK
#  file using the NAGRIB program found in the NAWIPS distribution.
# BEGIN THE SCRIPT # Check to see if the user has the NAWIPS environmental variables
#  Uncomment out the following line if NAWIPS is not included in the
#  users environment.
#  setenv NAWIPS /usr1/nawips
if ( $?NAWIPS ) then
   source $NAWIPS/Nawips.cshrc
   echo "WARNING: Please Define the location of the NAWIPS
distribution at the top"
   echo "         of ${GMASTER_BIN}/convert_gempak and rerun the
script. - EXIT"
   exit 1
set YYMMDDHH = $1
set MODEL    = $2
set SUFFX    = $3
if ( ! -e ${GRIB_PATH}/.local_gribs || -z ${GRIB_PATH}/.local_gribs )
   echo " "
   echo "   ERROR: No grib files found - EXIT"
   echo " "
   exit 1
set GRIBS = `cat ${GRIB_PATH}/.local_gribs` set GEMFILE = ${YYMMDDHH}_${MODEL}_${SUFFX}.gem if ( ! -e ${GEM_PATH} ) mkdir -p ${GEM_PATH} echo " CONVERT: Creating GEMPAK file ${GEM_PATH}/${GEMFILE}" if ( -e gemfile ) rm -f gemfile echo "INDXFL = " > gemfile
echo "GDOUTF   = ${GEM_PATH}/${GEMFILE}" >> gemfile
echo "PROJ     =           " >> gemfile
echo "GRDAREA  =           " >> gemfile
echo "KXKY     =           " >> gemfile
echo "MAXGRD   = 29999     " >> gemfile
echo "CPYFIL   = GDS       " >> gemfile
echo "GAREA    =           " >> gemfile
echo "OUTPUT   = F/${GEM_PATH}/nagrib.fil" >> gemfile
echo "GBTBLS   =           " >> gemfile
echo "GBDIAG   =           " >> gemfile
foreach GRIB ($GRIBS)
   echo "GBFILE   = ${GRIB_PATH}/${GRIB}" >> gemfile
   echo "run               " >> gemfile
   echo "                  " >> gemfile
echo "exit" >> gemfile $GEMEXE/nagrib < gemfile >& /dev/null
$GEMEXE/gpend            >& /dev/null
rm -f gemfile *.nts >& /dev/null # End of the Show
exit 0
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks,
Charley Knoderer
Meteorologist II
Sonoma Technology, Inc.
1360 Redwood Way, Suite C
Petaluma, CA  94954
Phone: (707) 665-9900
Fax: (707) 665-9800
Steve Chiswell <chiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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