Re: [gembud] Degribbing Ukmet Grib1 from tgftp site

Hi - when I do gdinfo on the file resulting from dcgrib2 I get UKNOWN 
ANALYSIS TYPE for the "GRID ANALYSIS BLOCK" secton.  The Grid Navigation 
section is fine.  And the data plots up just fine in gdplot3. 

For what its worth I don't get any UNKNOWN ANALYSIS TYPE messages with the 
original method I outlined.


From:   "Tyle, Kevin R" <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:     "pmanousos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <pmanousos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 
"gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   10/18/2013 02:03 PM
Subject:        RE: [gembud] Degribbing Ukmet Grib1 from tgftp site

When you run gdinfo on the grid file you created with dcgrib2, do you see 
a valid navigation block, or do you see ?UNKNOWN NAVIGATION BLOCK?? We?ve 
run into issues with (at least) the ncep/ncar reanalysis grids where if we 
use NAGRIB(2) I get valid navigation block info, but in dcgrib2, not.
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator 
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences 
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue 
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578 
From: gembud-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [
mailto:gembud-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 2:00 PM
To: gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gembud] Degribbing Ukmet Grib1 from tgftp site
Howdy - was just informed by a fellow gembudder that a MUCH simpler and 
less convoluted approach is to just run these grib files through dcgrib2 
as follows: 

cat grib.file | dcgrib2 -v 1 -d - YYYYMMDDHH_test.gem 

handles all the stitching/tiling/thinned grib issues for you in one swipe 
without the use of nagrib.   

Very very nice tool - tested it out and works just fine.   


From:        Peter C Manousos/FirstEnergy 
To:        gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Date:        10/18/2013 11:38 AM 
Subject:        Re: [gembud] Degribbing Ukmet Grib1 from tgftp site 

Greetings.  After much trial and error over the past few weeks and with 
guidance from NCEP (thanks to Brill, Klein, Ebisuzaki, and Iredell) we 
were able to develop a method using available tools to pull in the UKMET 
grib files, process them with copygb and wgrib, and then pump them through 
nagrib to get gempak grids.   

Recall that these files can not directly be nagribbed properly (from
).  This is because of the following: 
These are thinned gribs (number of x points decreases as you head toward 
the poles) 
For a given fhr and field and level (like  f12 height 500mb) you get EIGHT 
tiles with the SAME name in the SAME grib file. 

This implies one must take extra steps for a given fhr, field, and level 
to figure out how to recognize the differences between each tile, stitch 
them together, and create a contiguous "non thinned" grib field so NAGRIB 
can chew on it. 


So the approach we took to fully automate this process was the following: 
Loop through each fhr -- pull data from ftp site 
Use wgrib (not wgrib2) to detect what parameters and levels exist in the 
pulled grib file 
For each parameter/field at the given fhr use wgrib to recognize which 
records contain the tile over the globe you wish to stitch 
Use copygb to convert and merge (stitch) the thinned grib tiles into an 
NCEP grid of your choice 
nagrib into a gempak grid 
Soak, rinse and repeat

copygb comes with WRF EMS but if you don't have it copygb is available at  (be 
sure to read the documentation) 

We recommend you manually try out the process and test it gives you what 
you think it should before writing a script to automate.   

But the pieces are here and it does work. 


From:        pmanousos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
To:        gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Date:        09/25/2013 01:34 PM 
Subject:        [gembud] Degribbing Ukmet Grib1 from tgftp site 
Sent by:        gembud-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Greetings.  We are receiving an NOBNDS - No grid points in graphics area 
[DG -40] Subset grid bounds cannot be computed message from gdplot3 on 
nagribbed ukmet files retrieved from the tgftp server. 

We suspect it has something to do with the grib files and know just enough 
about grib to get by, but not enough to address this issue properly. It 
seems like some key piece of info in the grib message is missing causing 
GEMPAK to fail. 

We have done searching on google, gembud, and experimented unsuccessfully 
with cnvgrb, dcgrib and ultimately get the same null result. 

If anyone is successfully converting ukmet grib files from the tgftp 
server into GEMPAK grids (that are plottable in gdplot3) we would 
appreciate any advice.   

For reference here is how we get from the grib file to grid file: 
(where CC is the current cycle and YYYYMMDD the present date) 
Degrib using nagrib (output file is test.grd -- using GDS in CPYFIL and 
gdinfo on test.grd shows what you would expect (proper date/times, levels, 
gvcords, gridnames) 
Plotting in gdplot3 yields the NOBNDS error 

Pete ----------------------------------------- The information contained 
in this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of 
the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the 
intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the 
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this 
document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or 
copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this 
communication in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the 
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