[gembud] White background when generating products

I am wondering if anyone else is having this issue when generating
products, I am getting a white background that is not in the .csh code and
data is not being displayed that I have made. Is there anyway to correct
this issue?

Here is an example:
Here is the code:

gpmap << EOF

 MAP   = 1

 GAREA = dset

 PROJ     = rad

 RADFIL   = /data/ldm/gempak/data/gempak/nexrad/NIDS/OKX/N0R/$FILE


 LATLON   = 0

 PANEL    = 0

 TITLE    = 1/-2/Rad Test

 DEVICE   = gf|rad.gif

 TEXT     = 0.7//////sw

 LINE     = 2;3//2

 IMCBAR   = 1

 CLEAR    = y

 LUTFIL   = default

 STNPLT   = 5|0|disco_sites.tbl

\$mapfil =  hipowo.cia + hicnus.nws

*Keith Latteri*
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