data transformation questions

I have a netcdf file of an mm5 model output. One variable is max wind speed, defined over a 2d grid, with values every 3 hours. The nc file has CF conventions in place so IDV can display it.

I would like to perform two transformations on the data in order to display it in idv:

1 create a smaller area. the orig grid is say 100x100 and I want to view just say an inner box of 20x20. I know I can zoom in on the area but the mere presence of the full grid has influence on the contouring/display so I would prefer to clip the data first

2 the units from the model are ms-1. i would like to display (and contour) in knots.

I suspect that the first task cannot be done in IDV. I had hoped that NcML would provide some filtering leverage like this, but I haven't found it.

The unit conversion can be done in IDV ??

Any help gratefully appreciated

Stuart Maclean

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