Re: Problems installing idv2.0 on FC3/FC5 with webstart

Hi Don,

I didn't install Java 3D. I use the default version coming with idv through the jnlp file:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase=""; href="";>
    <title>Java3D Optional Package</title>
    <vendor>Sun Microsystems</vendor>
    <homepage href="null"/>
    <description>Java 3D Optional Package 1.3.2</description>
<jar href=""; download="eager" main="false"/> <jar href=""; download="eager" main="false"/> <jar href=""; download="eager" main="false"/> <jar href=""; download="eager" main="false"/>
  <library-desc unique-id="null"/>

It claims to be 1.3.2, but IDV (About->System) says it is 1.3.1 beta.
Java 3D Version: 1.3.1-beta1 Java 3D Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.Blackdown Java-Linux & Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java 3D Renderer: OpenGL

From the bundled IDV version I get:
Java 3D Version: 1.3.1 Java 3D Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.Blackdown Java-Linux & Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java 3D Renderer: OpenGL

I guess, the 'beta1' of the webstart version doesn't work, and it is the one from the unidata server (just tried to get it again).

The console gives an exception in the AWTEventThread0.

I'm using a Dell Latitude D610 with the Intel i960 graphics card. Driver is quite new.


Don Murray wrote:

Heiko Klein wrote:
The default java version is 1.5.0_06. The java3d optiona pack is 1.3.2. I have deleted all IDV related and 3d related packages and tried again to bring up idv with webstart. With the same results - only gray background where the black visad frame should be.

Did you install Java 3D 1.3.2?  From Web Start, you should be getting
1.3.1 and this could be the problem.  1.3.2 requires a later
version of GLX.  What type of video card does this system have?
Do you have the latest driver installed?

Do you have the Java home directory in your classpath?

When starting it with the IDV bundled jre, everything is working fine:/disk1/IDV_2.0/jre/bin/javaws idv.jnlp

If you use the Help->About menu and look at the system tab,
does it show 1.3.1 for the Java 3D?  If you run the installed IDV
using your system 1.5.0_06 version instead of the jre
from the installer, do you get the grey screen:

<location of jre>/1.5.0_06/jre/bin/java -jar /disk1/IDV_2.0/idv.jar

Another thing to try is to have the Java Web Start system console
showing when you start the IDV to see if there are any error
messages being displayed.  To do that, open the Application Manager

and select the Edit->Preferences  menu to opent the control
panel.  Under the Advanced tab, expand the Java Console node
and select the Show Console button, then Apply.  Then start
the IDV.

I think the basic issue is the use of Java 3D 1.3.2 instead
of 1.3.1, so we just have to figure out how it is getting that
instead of the one that is downloaded with the IDV.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

Dr. Heiko Klein                              Tel. + 47 22 96 33 44
Air pollution Section/Research Department    Fax. + 47 22 69 63 55
Norwegian Meteorological Institute 
P.O. Box 43 Blindern  0313 Oslo NORWAY

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