Re: Selecting arbitrary IdvPreferenceManagerTabs

Hi  Jonathan,

I was thinking it might be helpful to be able to pop up the preference managers when the users request it, but have the managers default to displaying some arbitrary tab based on the context of what the user was doing... Is there a good way to do this besides either making IdvPreferenceManager's pane member public/protected or having a method like "setSelectedTabIndex" in IdvPreferenceManager?

I think it would be best to have a method that takes a tab name and shows it. If it was just the tab index then we'd have to keep track
of which tab is which. So I am adding the method to IdvPreferenceManager:

    * Show the tab whose title matches the given tabNameToShow. This can
    * be a regular expression, e.g. "Formats.*" or it does a String.equals
    * @param tabNameToShow Tab name to show.
   public void showTab(String tabNameToShow)

It will be in tonights build.

Thanks again for all of the time you guys have spent helping us.
No problem.


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