Re: [idvdevelopers] subsetting METAR data display area

Hi Nilesh-

Nilesh Mahajan wrote:
I am kinda new to IDV and have some questions about subsetting METAR data.

No problem.

1. Assuming we are using netCDF METAR, how does the end user subset on the
local client(sequence of actions)? Is the subsetting possible if IDV was
invoked through Java WebStart?

You can either do it through the Data Source Properties dialog which
will do it for all data you load (probably what you want) or use
the data subset panel for the individual display.  For the former,
you would load in the netCDF metar data and right click on the
Data Source in the Field Selector and select Properties from the
popup menu (or double click on the data source).  In the
Spatial Subset tab of the Properties Dialog, you can draw a
bounding box, or enter the N-S-E-W coordinates for the subset.

2. After the user is done subsetting, if she saves the bundle file, is the
subsetting info (latitude and longitude parameters) stored in .xidv file? If
so what Java Class and attributes? We are thinking of parsing a template
.xidv file (generated after subsetting), replacing the data source, lat/long
info then pass this file as a parameter (-bundle) to jnlp. This jnlp will
invoke IDV on client's machine. We hope that the subsetting will happen
automatically this way without user intervention.

The bounding box is stored in the GeoSelection object and looks like:

                    <property name="Description">
                        <string><![CDATA[Netcdf Point Data]]></string>
                    <property name="DataSelection">
                        <object class="">
                            <property name="GeoSelection">
<object class="">
                                    <property name="BoundingBox">
<object class="
                                            <property name="MaxLat">
                                            <property name="MinLat">
                                            <property name="MinLon">
                                            <property name="MaxLon">

in the bundle.

3. We also want the IDV to load data with preconfigured parameters like
temperature, pressure. Again we think that we can achieve this with the
above approach of modifying the bundle file with these parameters. Do you
think this is the best way to go?

A better way might be to use the IDV Scripting Language (ISL) capability
to specify the data source and type of display.  If you are doing
a station model plot, you could specify the name of the station model
that you created to show the particular parameters.   See the docs at:

In particular, look at the Data and Displays tags:

You could then just modify the isl file as needed and pass that in
as arguments in the JNLP file using the -isInteractive argument as well.

Sorry for the deluge of questions. As I said I am new to IDV and couldn't
find much documentation on this stuff. Thanks for your help.

At least you looked. ;-)  There isn't any docs on internal
structure of the bundle in terms of what you are looking for.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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