Re: [idvdevelopers] subsetting METAR data display area

Hi Jeff/Don,

Thanks for your quick response. Really appreciate that.
I played around with the scripting language. I have some questions about
Assume that we are using NAM data products.
1. Is it required for the isl file to have an associated .xidv file? OR can
we just specify the datasource as a URL in isl file along with display param
as temp and only load the isl?
2. I tried to generate isl from IDV by saving the current IDV state as an
isl file. It generated an xidv file along with the isl. The temperature info
goes into the xidv file. So I don't have any examples of isl with the
temperature/ pressure parameters? Do you have any such example isl files and
can you please mail them to me?


On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Jeff McWhirter <jeffmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Nilesh Mahajan wrote:
>> Thanks a ton Don!
>> This makes some stuff clear. I will play around it a bit and let you know
>> how it goes.
> Hi Nilesh,
> A caveat here - the bounds of the point data won't be used for the
> projection in the MapViewManager. To change the projection
> look for:
>                                   <property name="MainProjection">
> and contained in there is the bounds of the projection:
>                                               <object
> class="java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float">
>                                                   <constructor>
> <float>-177.3666</float>
>                                                       <float>-90.0</float>
> <float>356.5832</float>
>                                                       <float>180.0</float>
>                                                   </constructor>
>                                               </object>
> -Jeff

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