Re: [idvdevelopers] IDV 2.6 islinteractive argument

Hi Nilesh,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Many of us were at AMS all last week.

To be more specific, my jnlp file uses the islinteractive argument to load
isl file from a URL. This used to work fine in IDV 2.5. But when I do the
same in IDV 2.6 it gives the following error:
"Given script file does not exist or could not be read:

the ISL file contains datasources and other display properties. I have
attached the ISL and JNLP files here.

No code has been changed in my app, only the version of IDV has been
When I load the ISL file from IDV menu, it works fine.
Have there been any changes to the islinteractive argument? Is there any
other argument that serves the same purpose?
Yes, something changed - namely we introduced a bug in the argument processing. Our bad, sorry.
We'll get a fix out this week.
The final solution is to force the JWS to download IDV 2.5. Does anybody
know a way to do that in JNLP?
We have the past releases available if needed. You can use:

But we will get the above problem fixed so hopefully you won't have to resort to this.


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