[idvdevelopers] 20090206: IDV2.6u2 available for testing.

Hi IDV'ers:

We are planning a 2.6u2 release next week which fixes a
couple of bugs the some have found in the 2.6 and 2.6u1
releases.  Hopefully this will be the last update for 2.6
and future fixes/enhancements will be on a 2.7 alpha branch.
Bugs fixed in this update (from 2.6u1) are:

* File chooser did not show all directories
* KMZ generation broken in 2.6u1
* adjust CXX longitude per NCDC
* perspective flag wasn't getting set in ISL
* missing hydro/coop obs in text bulletins - use AFOS pil to narrow search
* update copyright to 2009
* USGS topography layer URL was changed

If anyone wants to test the release candidate, you can download it at:


Please let us know immediately if you find any other issues
with this release.

Don Murray

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