[idvdevelopers] 20090527: IDV 2.7b2 available for testing

Hi all-

Thanks to all who downloaded and test IDV 2.7 beta 1 and provided
feedback.  We've incorporated that information and provided some
other changes in 2.7 beta 2 which can be downloaded from:


One major change from the beta 1 release is a revamping of the
Data Chooser.  The individual choosers are more consistent in
their layout and the selection of choosers is now a tree view.

Please see the release notes for more information:


The User Guide documentation has been updated.  Please let us know if
you see mistakes or omissions.  The Workshop documents have not been
updated for the current release.

Please test out this beta release and send any comments, questions or
problems to support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The IDV Developers

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