Re: [idvdevelopers] New test release of Image Chooser and PR

>     I forgot to mention one important feature which addresses the concern
> you have here.
>     After loaded the data and created the displays, you can turn off the
> PR in the view window by uncheck the Projections > Use Pregressive
> Disclosure. Now, it is safe to do all kinds of operation in this view
> window, even the RBB.
> The purpose of bounding the Projection and resampling data is to allow an
> existing bundle to be used in different area. For example, Don's bundle of 
> boulder
> weather can be used to display the weather of Miami esaily.

Ability to move a bundle easily would be great! 
I spend way too much time subsetting individual datasets 
manually to be the same. And it's tedious to explain how to others. 

That is actually much MORE than just "progressive disclosure," so again
the name is not a good fit to the functionality. 

I notice that only newly-created displays have movable domains 
by this Projections change method. Will that always be true? 
Legacy display bundles will never have this property, 
and will have to be rebuilt again? Or could some .xml-adjusting sed script 
update old bundles to work with the new portable reloading (PR)? 

Only for very high res data is the subsampling (stride) to coarsen the fields 
really used, I find -- In the long run, as a user I would wish for something 
like this -- 
averages, not pixel striding, when looking at a dataset at coarsened scales.

Some more comments on PR/PD/whatever it is called: 

* Somebody should check how it fails near longitude seams. Currently,
one is forbidden to select data across seams, since the selector window 
RBB has constraints on it. But the display area is not constrained that way. 
It's too much to hope that the longitude seam problem will be fixed, 
but it seems like an obvious place to check for a graceful failure mode at 

* Somebody should check how this performs in sphere view. And near seams there. 

* I still get a lot of error messages when opening old (legacy) bundles with 
this 5.0 alpha. 
Most involve satellite images it appears, and appear right away, first thing. 
Sometimes the satellite clouds then appear anyway, though. 
These errors are unreadable to me, and distressing to users not used to 
just clicking "OK" a lot to mysterious errors. 
Will there be a backward compatibility problem with 5.0? 
Is it easy to remove the displays and datasets and have them really be gone? 

I may test some of these things myself, but maybe you will also want to. 
Good luck! 
Got a target date for 5.0 beta or whatever comes next? 

How I dream of getting beyond dataset-by-dataset longitude seams. 


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