Re: [idvdevelopers] HRRR PTYPE Bundle O' Fun


On 3/12/14 4:22 PM, Tyle, Kevin R wrote:
Yes ... rule # 1 of interesting weather ... the HRRR data feed always goes down 
as soon as you post something about it ... I think it is a little shy ... :(

Of course!

Even with that, I suspect that the name will always remain the name of the first file that got loaded. The data will update, but the name will not change to protect the innocent.

RAMADDA works a little differntly than the TDS when resolving "The latest". In RAMADDA, all latest opendap links are named "Latest Opendap" so if you had several data sources in a bundle all pointing to "latest" data, they would all be named the same. When a bundle is saved, the name that you see in the properties is saved off. In this case, it ends up with the name of the file that you used when the bundle is first created. You could edit the data source properties before saving the bundle and that should be retained (but don't quote me on that). I'll dig into the code for resolving the latest and see if I can't modify it to return "Latest <folder_name" (e.g. Latest HRRR)


-----Original Message-----
From: Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) [mailto:don.murray@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:03 PM
To: Tyle, Kevin R; <idv-steering@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 
Subject: Re: HRRR PTYPE Bundle O' Fun


On 3/12/14 3:21 PM, Tyle, Kevin R wrote:
Question 2:  Although I selected the data set using the "Latest
OPenDAP Data" in my HRRR catalog, whenever I check out the Data
Properties via the Data menu, it always will show the date/time
corresponding to the time used when I created the bundle ... e.g.
1403121800_hrrr_141.grib2.  I can edit the .xidv file to replace that
string with "Latest OpenDAP" or the like, but it seems that this
should happen automatically when the IDV loads the "Latest" data
source from a catalog.  Maybe this is specific to data housed on a
RAMADDA as opposed to THREDDS server ... not sure.

It doesn't look like you've gotten any new HRRR data since 18Z, so that is the 
latest. ;-)

But it still might be another problem.

Don Murray

Don Murray

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