Re: [idvdevelopers] HRRR PTYPE Bundle O' Fun


On 3/12/14 3:21 PM, Tyle, Kevin R wrote:
Question 2:  Although I selected the data set using the “Latest OPenDAP
Data” in my HRRR catalog, whenever I check out the Data Properties via
the Data menu, it always will show the date/time corresponding to the
time used when I created the bundle … e.g. 1403121800_hrrr_141.grib2.  I
can edit the .xidv file to replace that string with “Latest OpenDAP” or
the like, but it seems that this should happen automatically when the
IDV loads the “Latest” data source from a catalog.  Maybe this is
specific to data housed on a RAMADDA as opposed to THREDDS server … not

How that your HRRR data is updating again, as I suspected, the name of the datasource stays as the name of the first file that was opened. I have modified RAMADDA so the link in the IDV catalog chooser and the name of the datasource will now be "Latest <folder>" (e.g. Latest HRRR for Kevin's HRRR folder) similar to what the TDS does. This is available in the RAMADDA svn if you want to build it from source and will be in the next 1.6 release.

Don Murray

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