Re: [idvdevelopers] New Version of Java Released Yesterday?


Like Don said we are going to let Java 7 settle for a bit. The transition to Java 7 for the IDV was a lengthy and difficult one, but that is because we went from an Apple to Oracle JVM (on OS X, of course). You can read all about it in the status report :-)

But now that we have transitioned completely to an Oracle JVM on all platforms, the future should be quite a bit smoother, and going to a Java 8 JVM will hopefully be less problematic (though will still require a lot of testing).

Another point of consideration is to make a distinction between the Java 8 language/APIs and the Java 8 JVM. It is going to take a while for the IDEs (developer tools, etc.) to catch up to Java 8 the language. (There are many new nice language features in Java 8). Therefore we may not be able to take advantage of the Java 8 language for some time, but moving to a Java 8 JVM should be more straightforward.

Once I revive the IDV webstart version (this on my TODO list). Running the IDV on Java 8 could be tested easily as webstart depends on a webstart (possibly Java 8) JVM rather than the Java that is distributed with the IDV.


On 3/19/14 11:31 AM, Jonathan Beavers wrote:
I've been testing Java 8 with the latest JOGL/J3D/VisAD/IDV code for a while 
now and it has been pretty solid, especially over the last six months. That 
said, I agree with Don that waiting for a little while is probably prudent.


On 2014-03-19, at 11:45 AM, Don Murray <Don.Murray@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Kevin, et al-

At the IDV Developers Conference Call with SSEC last Tuesday, we discussed the 
impending release of Java 8.  The IDV nightly build is now using Java 7 and 
Java 3D 6 (as of last week).  We decided that we are going to let that settle 
out for a while and in the mean time look at the impact that Java 8 might have. 
 I suspect that the new version of Java 3D that is in the nightly build should 
work with Java 8 as should the IDV.

If anyone wants to test Java 8 in the meantime, let us know if it works or if 
you see any problems.


On 3/19/14 10:18 AM, Tyle, Kevin R wrote:
Looks like Java 8 is out ...

Any comments/plans from the IDV developers as to how this might be
incorporated into future IDV development?  Anything new with Java3d?

Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578
*From:* McWilliams, George <gmcwilliams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:14 AM
*To:* Patch Management Mailing List
*Subject:* [patchmanagement] New Version of Java Released Yesterday?

Java Runtime Environment 32-Bit 8


Don Murray

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