Re: [idvdevelopers] 5.0 release plan

One item:  it seems the Legend does not update the resolution when one 
rubber-bands into an area of interest ...
e.g. I loaded the HRRR forecast radar reflectivity over CONUS and it is 
displayed with a skip of 2x3 points.  Then I zoomed in over California ... data 
is now sampled at every grid point (attached is a graphic).  Yet the legend 
still shows 2x3.  Perhaps the legend label could update to reflect the new 

Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator 
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences   
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue                        
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578                             

From: idvdevelopers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
<idvdevelopers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Yuan Ho 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 11:48 AM
To: idvdevelopers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [idvdevelopers] 5.0 release plan

Hi All,

     I am planning to do the document this week, and more testing. It is
in my plan to have this release sometime next week. Please check in the
any changes asap and update the release note.



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