[idvdevelopers] Scientific software developer position at UCAR Unidata

Hi all,

Unidata has an opening for a scientific software developer (and will
include IDV development). Below is a quick description of the position and
a link to the official posting
gives more details and information on how to apply.

If you could pass this along to anyone you think might be interested, I
would be most grateful.



*Scientific software developer position at UCAR Unidata*

Unidata <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/about/tour/index.html> is looking for
a scientific software developer to join our team in creating and
maintaining software and data services to support the earth system science

As part of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in
Boulder, CO, Unidata offers competitive salaries and great benefits. UCAR
was selected as one of the Best Companies to Work For in Colorado. Simply
put, Unidata is a great place to work. Unidata's team environment provides
high levels of autonomy and responsibility with great opportunity to excel
individually and contribute to the team's success.

We are looking for a software developer to help us help our community of
scientists bridge the gaps between data servers, desktop scientific
visualization packages like the Integrated Data Viewer, and
“notebook”-style workflows (think Jupyter notebooks). We'll be integrating
existing tools with new technologies to help scientists streamline the
process of finding and analyzing data. At Unidata, you'll have a chance to
work with a great team in-house and an enthusiastic open source community.

For a detailed job description see the official posting

For more information on UCAR and the application process, see the UCAR
Careers page <http://ucarcareers.silkroad.com/>.

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