Re: [idvusers] Geolocation of CF-1.0 files in IDV

Hi Ilan-

This was reported last week by another user.  The problem has been
fixed in the nightly build (2.7a1), but was not ready for the
2.6u2 release.  The sterographic projection class was not accounting
for the easting and northing parameters.

You can grab the nightly build from:

Don Murray

Levy,Ilan [Ontario] wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to display a NetCDF file that is an output of the AURAMS
model. The output was converted from RPN file to NetCDF CF-1.0 format.
IDV (2.6u1) puts the domain in the north pole, instead of over Toronto.
Panoply puts the same file in the right location, so I don't think
therfe is something wrong with the file.
I'm not familiar with CF-1.0 convention, but is there something I need
to change in the file (or in IDV) to correct this?
Bellow is the metadata from the file.
Ilan Levy,
Environment Canada
netcdf E:/Data/AURAMS/July04_0020Z_UU_VV.cdf {
   xc = 157;
   yc = 211;
   level = 20;
   time = UNLIMITED;   // (1 currently)
   char polar_stereographic;
     :grid_mapping_name = "polar_stereographic";
     :straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole = -110.0f; // float
     :standard_parallel = 60.0f; // float
     :false_easting = -2264501.0f; // float
     :false_northing = 4844997.5f; // float
     :latitude_of_projection_origin = 90.0f; // float
     :resolution_at_standard_parallel = 2500.0f; // float
     :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection";
     :_CoordinateAxisTypes = "GeoX GeoY";
   double uwnd(time=1, level=20, yc=211, xc=157);
     :units = "m s-1";
     :long_name = "True wind in x-dir";
     :standard_name = "eastward_wind";
     :actual_range = -15.985584259033203, 30.085575103759766; // double
     :coordinates = "lon lat";
     :grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic";
     :level_desc = "Height";
     :grid_desc = "polar_stereographic";
   double vwnd(time=1, level=20, yc=211, xc=157);
     :units = "m s-1";
     :long_name = "True wind in y-dir";
     :standard_name = "northward_wind";
     :actual_range = -8.024663925170898, 30.0851993560791; // double
     :coordinates = "lon lat";
     :grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic";
     :level_desc = "Height";
     :grid_desc = "polar_stereographic";
   float xc(xc=157);
     :units = "m";
     :long_name = "x-coordinate of polar-stereographic projection";
     :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate";
     :axis = "X";
     :coordinate_defines = "point";
     :actual_range = 0.0, 390000.0; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX";
   float yc(yc=211);
     :units = "m";
     :long_name = "y-coordinate of polar-stereographic projection";
     :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate";
     :axis = "Y";
     :coordinate_defines = "point";
     :actual_range = 0.0, 525000.0; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY";
   float level(level=20);
     :units = "m";
     :long_name = "height";
     :standard_name = "height";
     :axis = "Z";
     :positive = "up";
     :coordinate_defines = "point";
     :actual_range = 0.0, 5125.0; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "Height";
     :_CoordinateZisPositive = "up";
   double time(time=1);
     :long_name = "time";
     :standard_name = "time";
     :axis = "T";
     :units = "hours since 2007-06-17 00:00:0.0";
     :delta_t = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
     :coordinate_defines = "point";
     :actual_range = 408.0, 408.0; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";
   float lon(yc=211, xc=157);
     :units = "degrees_east";
     :long_name = "longitude";
     :standard_name = "longitude";
     :actual_range = 275.0508346557617, 281.5693588256836; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";
   float lat(yc=211, xc=157);
     :units = "degrees_north";
     :long_name = "latitude";
     :standard_name = "latitude";
     :actual_range = 40.151729583740234, 45.38578414916992; // double
     :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";
:Conventions = "CF-1.0";
 :title = "AURV1.32     July04_0020Z_UU_VV.fst";

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