[idvusers] Change of climate

Hi All-

I want to let you all know that I will be leaving Unidata at the end of May to take a new position at the Climate Analysis Branch of NOAA starting June 1. It's a great opportunity for me to expand my horizons and possibly employ the IDV in the climate sciences. I hope to continue to keep my fingers in the IDV and VisAD development as time permits.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the years to develop and improve the IDV. The IDV embodies community developed software and we have always (and will continue to) value your input and support. My personal e-mail is donald.r.murray at gmail.com if you want to stay in touch.

I know the timing is difficult given Jeff McWhirter's departure this week, but I want to assure you that Unidata is committed to continued support and development of the IDV. There is already a position open for an IDV developer already at:


if any of you are interested.

In the meantime, Yuan Ho will be the main point of contact (support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) until someone new is hired. Since he will be shouldering the support load without Jeff and me, please be patient and use these lists to get help as well. There is a well established IDV user base and these lists are an opportunity for you all to contribute back.

We are planning a 2.9 release of the IDV before the end of the month. This will primarily be a maintenance release but will include some new features such as grid smoothing and new grid diagnostics.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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