Re: [idvusers] bundles and modifying "Times"


This is the response from Tom Whittaker.

> The trick is to load in your data source to the IDV and, in the data
> source properties, select the first time. Do not select the time in
> the Field selector when you create a display as this overrides the isl
> times attribute. Then create your display and save the bundle.
> You can then use the "times=" on the <bundle>  (or the Jython
> loadBundle() method).


On Mar 11, 2011, at 10:18 AM, Mike.Umscheid@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hi, I thought I would ping the list here for my first time.  I have been a 
> fairly avid IDV user over the past year and find the software very beneficial 
> for a wide variety of projects and even operational situations.  I utilize 
> bundles sometimes, but I find myself loading directly from the Field Selector 
> more times than not.
> My one complaint about bundles is the lack of an option to modify the "Times" 
> that each bundle has tied to them when they are created.  Is there a way to 
> enhance the bundle loading such that the <property name="Times"> XML tag can 
> be modified "on the fly"?  
> I have explored IDV Scripting Language and it seems the "times=" attribute of 
> the <bundle> tag does not work properly.  The "times=" attribute does not 
> seem to override the times specified by <property name="Times> in the actual 
> XML bundle itself.  
> Don or anyone else have any ideas on this matter?  Thanks!!
> Mike Umscheid
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