Re: [idvusers] ISL spatial subsetting

----- Original Message -----
From: Don Murray <Don.Murray@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 4:43 pm
Subject: Re: [idvusers] ISL spatial subsetting
To: idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Hi Mike-
> On 3/22/11 3:03 PM, Mike.Umscheid@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I'm in the process of writing some ISL files, and I'm fairly new to
> > this so please forgive me.  In creating a data source with
> > the<datasource>  tag, is there an attribute to subset the spatial
> > domain?  I see the 'times' attribute, but it would be nice to be able
> > to subset the spatial domain, too.  I guess I could use jython method
> > to do the loading of a datasource with spatial subsetting, but I like
> > the ease of ISL language and was wondering if spatial subsetting was
> > an option in ISL or if I'm just stuck with jython to do this?
> > Thanks!
> There isn't, but it could be easily added by the IDV developers.
> Here's something that should work.  On your IDV invocation where you 
> pass in the isl file, add the following:
> where:
> latul - upper left latitude
> lonul = upper left longitude
> latlr - lower right latitude
> lonlr = lower right longitude
> for example:
> runIDV,-113,20,-95  foo.isl
> That sets the default bounding box for all data sources in that 
> invocation.  In theory, that should work. ;-)  Let me know if it doesn't.
> Don
> -- 
> Don Murray
> 303-497-3596

Don, thanks for the prompt reply!  Yeah, adding that additional attribute to 
<datasources> would be quite handy.  The option you provided is also very 
handy!  I will give that a try, as I didn't realize that could be done at IDV 
launch.  At the moment, I've just been doing a simple "File > Open" on the ISL 
files.  In the meantime, I'll make several instances of runIDV on different 
regional domains of interest based on this information.  Thanks again!

Mike U

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