Re: multi-head GEMPAK and/or McIDAS workstation under GNOME

I'm using Matrox dual-head cards & they have a nice bin tool to configure drivers. You might try instead, a simple lightweight CDE like Xdesktop/mgr. Good docs & well supported via the mail list. -Art@JAX

Robert Mullenax wrote:

That was one of the things we tried.  Unfortunately in Red Hat 9 (GNOME 2.2)
there is already a gnome-session running on the other screens (unlike
older versions of GNOME).  The problem is, it just doesn't work right.
If you open an app on screen 1 or 2 and minimize it, then it just
If you enable Xinerama and mimimize on 1 or 2, it mimimizes to the toolbar
on screen 0.  The big problem is that with the NV drivers at least, Xinerama
makes GARP?NMAP2 display VERY slow.

I just ended up switching to FVWM2 for my workstation.   Not as fancy, but
it works.

Thanks to everyone for their assistance.


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