Re: Quick update on

  • Subject: Re: Quick update on
  • From: Gilbert Sebenste <sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:13:28 -0500 (CDT)
Hi Gerry,

> First thought... and before coffee, too... is that you're writing the 
> queue to the same disk as your data.  I've config'd all my machines to 
> have a system partition (60 GB on up, depending on prices) and a data 
> partition for LDM and gempak data.  I write the queue to system space 
> and the data and products to the data partition.

In private conversations with Tom and Kevin Thomas, I am now suspecting 
bad RAM. I am going to go that route first...have it replaced...and then 
see what happens. I thought it was happening on weather2 as well, but now 
that I think about it, it may have been a corrupt queue. In either case, 
we'll see if this does the trick. It's under warranty, thank goodness! :-)

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: gilbert@xxxxxxx                                               ***
web:                                      **
Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *

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