RE: Upgrading LDM to 6.6.2

>1. It fixes the product date-stamp problem that apparently goes back 
>beyond LDM 6.5.1 (but note, you MIGHT have to fix some things in your 
>pqact file, as I did, when I upgraded...check the links to the posts I 
>made yesterday for a full description of the reasoning and how to fix 

Hmm..I have never had an issue with 6.4.5 with that.

>2. Stopping and restarting the LDM after deleting the product queue now 
>takes a much shorter time to do...

Okay, well with my small queue (400MB) it's in the noise.  I don't have enough 
bandwidth to feed anyone and have a NOAAport box feed plus a pared down GFS 1x1 

>3. More stable (no, really, it is!). Outside of the date problem through 
>6.6.1, 6.6.2 has been rock solid. I had problems with 6.4X crashing on my 
>machines. Queue corruptions have been zero for the first time with this 

I have never had any crashes or queue issues at all, but I am running Solaris 
not Linux.  During Sun's idiocy period back in the early 2000's I had to run 
Linux for a while and saw those kinds of issues.

>4. Improved product throughput and less load on my machines. The latest 
>versions can handle really high volumes.

I am 95% idle most of the time on 4-5 year old machines when I don't have 
generation scripts going.  Of course you are ingesting many times more data 
than I am.  I am sure this would be a help if we had enough bandwidth to 
receive Level II radar data.

>I run this in a production environment where very high levels of stability 
>is demanded. Although yes, I do install the bleeding edge stuff, I figure
>it is more than worth my time to find bugs and swat them before they hit 
>production as much as possible.

I think everyone appreciates your testing efforts!

>In short...Gilbert tested...mother approved. :-D
LOL! Thanks for the list, I appreciate it very much.  I don't think there is a 
good enough reason for my situation to upgrade and risk trouble, so I'll pass 
right now.

Robert Mullenax
CSBF Meteorology


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