Re: [ldm-users] Feedtype for /pFTM messages


The CCB block of the NOAAport products isn't a 1to 1 match up with
our legacy FOS feedtypes. The NOAAport ingestion software here puts the
products with non-printable characters in the HDS data stream so that
don't inadvertantly see something totally unexpected in DDPLUS.

You can use the "WMO" aggregate feedtype to insure that pattens
will match any and all of HDS, IDS and DDPLUS (aka DDS and PPS).

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 16:23 -0500, Daryl Herzmann wrote:
> Greetings,
> Today's wild goose chase involves tracking down the feedtype for the FTM 
> products.  I notice some in the HDS feedtype and others in the IDS|DDPLUS, 
> I know that the FTM often contains nasty characters
> Sep 25 21:17:52 pqcat INFO:      166 20070925202311.601     HDS 6636721 
> NOUS64 KEPZ 252023 /pFTMEPZ
> Sep 25 21:17:52 pqcat INFO:      326 20070925202318.892 IDS|DDPLUS 6636837 
> NOUS62 KMFL 252023 /pFTMBYX
> Sep 25 21:17:52 pqcat INFO:      326 20070925202320.391 IDS|DDPLUS 6636874 
> NOUS62 KKEY 252023 /pFTMBYX
> Sep 25 21:17:59 pqcat INFO:      166 20070925203037.959     HDS 6641684 
> NOUS64 KEPZ 252030 /pFTMHDX
> links to a non existant NWS page.
> Does the difference involve if the product came from the RPG or from 
> Are there other 'text' products hiding from me in the HDS feed? :)
> thanks!
>    daryl
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