[ldm-users] LDM 6.11.5 requires the development version of the libxml2 package


This is a followup to the previous announcement of LDM 6.11.5, which
indicated that the "libxml2" package must be installed in order to build
the new LDM version.

That's still true, but the version of the "libxml2" package that must be
installed is the *development* version (often identifiable by having the
word "devel" in the package name). This is because the pure runtime version
of that package doesn't include the necessary C header-files.

Look for the file "libxml/parser.h" on your system. If it exists, then
you're ready for the new LDM; if it doesn't, then you'll need to install
the development version of the "libxml2" package.

If you're using LDM 6.11.4, haven't had any problems with it, and don't
care what version of "libxml2" the LDM uses, then you don't need to do

Steve Emmerson
LDM Developer
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