[ldm-users] my data seems to be blackhole-ing

I'm receiving several feeds as proven by ldmadmin watch...and the logs all
look fine.  However, my data isn't being saved to disk.

>From *registry.xml*:

>   <pqact>
>     <config-path>/mnt/data/ldm/etc/pqact.conf</config-path>
>     <datadir-path>/mnt/data/ldm/var/data</datadir-path>
>   </pqact>

>From */mnt/data/ldm/etc/pqact.conf*:

> # L2 data
> NEXRAD2 ^L2-BZIP2/(....)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})[0-9]{2}/([0-9]{1,4}).*/[SI]
>         FILE    nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part
> NEXRAD2 ^L2-BZIP2/(....)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})[0-9]{2}/([0-9]{1,4}).*/E
>         FILE    -close nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part
> (snip)

However, following those two things, here's a directory listing of *

> ldm@chicago-il-1:~/data$ ls -lsha
> total 8.0K
> 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 ldm ldm 4.0K Jul 15 16:09 .
> 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 5 ldm ldm 4.0K Jul 13 23:19 ..

Nothing.  The same is true of other feeds which should be stashed in other

The bandwidth is certainly registering, which I have verified at the
router, so I'm definitely receiving the data...so...

Where are my files going?  Any way to track this down?

(I've also done "du -ksh" from the home directory of the ldm user over the
last few hours, and it's not increasing.  Definitely nothing being written
to hard disk.  And still no errors in the LDM or system logs.)

Blair Trosper
Weather Data / Updraft Networks
blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxx>
NOC:  512-666-0536
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