[ldm-users] LDM Metar Feeds

Good morning,

I was wondering if anybody had information as to how the METAR reports are 
distributed within the LDM. I have found the information about the WMO header 
required to request file this data as text files. However, it seems as if some 
stations are responsible to transmit reports from other stations as well 
because I cannot request METAR reports from specific stations. When requesting 
all reports from the United States and filing the files in folder based on the 
ICAO ID only 60 folders get created and those 60 stations' reports contain 
reports for many stations.

Does anyone know if there is hierarchy for reporting METAR reports?

Any help or guidance will be much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

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Arturo  Diaz, Jr.
Programmer I (CEES)
Biology and Chemistry
Laredo, TX 78041
Tel. (956) 326-2415
Fax (956) 326-3125


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