Re: [ldm-users] [gembud] pqact

Hi Patrick,

The NGRID feed from NOAAport is the same HRRR/RAP entry as before, but just now contains the additional forecast hours. We experienced no interruption in service and started getting the additional forecast hours this morning.

Here is a quick HRRR sample:

# HRRR (3-km Operational)
NGRID   grib2/ncep/HRRR/#255/(..)(..)(....)(....)F(...)
        FILE    /home/data/models/hrrr/\2\3\4F\5.hrrr

Thanks Vitorrio... I noticed that my problem was not that the data has stopped streaming, but that some variables names have been changed... I have a "kill" script, in that if X var is not present in Y grid, stop the run because GDDIAG can not complete the cycle, so I was getting errors and assumed that data stopped flowing with the change..

so it wasn't that data had stopped flowing, it's that the variables do not exist with their former names! uggh! lol :)

If anyone is curious what GDINFO shows now here is the output for all hours:



Patrick L. Francis PhD, DMin
VP AerisWeather


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