Re: [ldm-users] ldmd.conf maximum line length?

  • To: Art Wildman - NOAA Federal <art.wildman@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] ldmd.conf maximum line length?
  • From: daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 21:35:59 -0500
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This poked my curiosity, so it appears that while you can set a larger than 255 character regular expression in ldmd.conf, this pattern will later fail at the RPC level when it is attempted to be used.

When I set such a pattern for a ldmd.conf request, the upstream connection fails with

20160901T021846.586897Z upstream[20609] NOTE error.c:236:err_log() Upstream LDM didn't reply to FEEDME request; RPC: Can't encode arguments

upstream simply logs

20160901T023231.472245Z downstream[32130] NOTE ldmd.c:187:cleanup() Exiting


On Wed, 31 Aug 2016, Art Wildman - NOAA Federal wrote:

From some comments in my ldmd.conf...
# Do not allow lines to exceed 255 characters, Tony Freeman email - 20140828
# SR LDM Policy: Combine LDM Feed Requests as BW efficient as possible.

Tony's email on EMCWF had a link here...

-HTH, Art

Art Wildman/ITO - NWS-JAX - 904-741-5186 x-235

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Matthew Foster - NOAA Federal <
matthew.foster@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

What is the maximum line length (and/or pattern length) for entries in



Matt Foster
Techniques Development Meteorologist
NWS Central Region Headquarters, Scientific Services Division / STI
Kansas City, MO
Office: 816-268-3113

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 * daryl herzmann
 * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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