Problems w NetcdfFile.openInMemory

_From owner-netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mon Jun 27 16:52:23 2005
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I'm trying to load netcdf data in an app with no local 'filesystem', such
as a jnlp (web start) environment.  Looks like the best bet, given the
Java Netcdf API, is to locate the data as as resource
(Class.getResourceAsStream). I can thus get the data into a byte[].

But passing that byte[] to NetcdfFile.openInMemory fails with a NPE.
Looking at the latest (2.2.09) sources, it seems that the
InMemoryRandomAccessFile is broken.  The 'buffer' attribute is attached to
the incoming data buf only after a call to 'init(1)' occurs.  The
superclass RandomAccessFile is thus is a bad state, causing an eventual

Any help gratefully apprteciated,


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