Re: Reading GINI images

Don Murray wrote:

I tried reading in a GINI image through the IDV.  It comes
in through the GeoGrid interface, but I see the following

- the range of data ends up being -128 to 128 instead of
0 to 255.  The variable says it's unsigned and in the
GeoGridAdapter for the IDV, we just call:

   Array arr = geoGrid.readVolumeData(timeIndex);
   Object dst       = arr.get1DJavaArray(float.class);

hmmm, i need these lower level libraries to realize the data is unsigned.
it will have to be after the stable release

Should this be returning unsigned values?

- I don't get a time associated with a particular file.
The time axis is null.  Can one be created through the
IOSP layer?

Its handled in the aggregation, for example, open this as a grid:


this is probably the way you want to see these files anyway

this is experimental, but when im done testing, well try to get all the data aggregated that we can.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
        "Time makes everyone interesting, even YOU!"

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