[netcdf-java] question about reading netcdf files using Java

hi all i have experience reading netcdf files with the C/C++ API and now have a need to read them in java. i havent done any netcdf in a few years so i am just getting up to speed. my only purpose at this moment is to basically read netcdf files and use the data i store for whatever in memory.

i am using NetBeans 6.5 as my compiler, java 1.6 and have a Mac OSX 10.5.

i downloaded the current stable version 2.2.22 and looked throughout all the jar files to see what was there. the examples given online @ https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/java/examples/ show imports such as:

import ucar.multiarray.ArrayMultiArray;
import ucar.multiarray.IndexIterator;
import ucar.multiarray.MultiArray;
import ucar.multiarray.MultiArrayImpl;
import ucar.netcdf.Attribute;
import ucar.netcdf.Netcdf;
import ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.netcdf.Variable;

ive looked through all the jar files after i have downloaded the minimal library and the complete zip file and i havent found any of these. i guess i am confused as to what jar file(s) i need to include in my netbeans project before i can start reading netcdf files. basically as i said a above all i would like to do right now is to open the netcdf file and get some data.

thanks all for your time!

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