Re: [netcdf-java] [Fwd: Re: MM5 data?]

Hi John, we have native MM5 model output files, and I wrote a converter to CF-1.0 compliant netcdf, if either of any use to you.


On Feb 24, 2009, at 12:32 PM, John Caron wrote:

Does anyone have MM5 model netcdf output (pre-WRF) that we can use for testing some software?


   <stefan.falke@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:stefan.falke@xxxxxxxxx>

   Does Unidata have MM5 forecast data available for access as a data
   format (i.e., not an image but the gridded data format)? We're
   trying to test the Bluesky smoke forecasting framework and it only
   uses MM5 at the moment for its met input (they're working on WRF).
   So I'm looking for a couple of MM5 files in order to test if
   we can
   run through the entire Bluesky Framework of generating a smoke
   forecast in a web service environment.


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