[netcdf-java] BUFR streaming


I would like to receive meteorological data (BUFR) by RabbitMQ queue
(AMQP) in java environment. I should also to consume one tuple for time
in streaming. I have downloaded the "netcdfAll-4.6.jar" but I don't
know how I may to translate BUFR binary data format in the right format
(rmap/IDENT/COORDS/NETWORK/TRANGE/LEVEL/VAR). Do you can help me with
a simple example?
The problem is that I receive the meteo data in streaming and with this 
data I create a file but the file isn't in the right format because 
"(scan.isValidFile(raf))" returns 'false'. There are methods to decode 
a message from BUFR format without writing it first in a file?

Thank you!
Massimiliano La Ferrara

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