[netcdf-java] Converting NetcdfFile with multiple time steps to multiple NetcdfFiles with single time steps

Hi all,

I'm using the Java Netcdf API (v4.2) to work with weather model output in 
Netcdf format.  However, I am trying to convert a  NetcdfFile with multiple 
time steps to a List of NetcdfFiles with single time steps, and I can't seem to 
find a direct way to accomplish this using the existing NetcdfFile methods 
without first reading a specific variable (which I would prefer not to do).  
I'm aware of how to solve this using NCO, but I would like to solve this using 
Java since that is the language in which the software is written.  If you could 
please offer a suggestion on the most effective way to accomplish the above, 
I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot for your help!


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